Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011

Move On

"what are you doing?"
if you think moving is hard, try moving while no body's looking

you can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks or even months over analyzing a situation.
trying to put the pieces together. justifying what could've would've happend.. or you can leave the pieces on the floor and MOVE THE FUCK ON

you've broken up with your significant other. now what? do you jump into work? get a hobby? go out with someone else right away
the best thing singles can do immediately upon a breakup is to get rid all those sappy, sentimental items you have laying around
that means deleting his number from your cell phone, throwing out the pictures of you two together and tossing all the cards and letters. keeping those items will only serve to put you in a state of prolonged nostalgia. On day down the road you might look back fondly at the times you had with your ex, but until you can gain the clarity to see your relationship objectively. Don't torture yourself with constant reminders
1. Anger and sadness often come in alternating waves after a break up. It's okay
to feel both these emotions, It's not okay to do something destructive to yourself, though
everyone has methods to help them work through thing. some folks with poetry, cook or talk to friends. whatever your "safe" outlet is. Use it to focus the lingering feelings you've from your break up
2. When you’ve given yourself enough time to work through your emotions, then you can begin to date again. The amount of time needed for this varies with the people involved and the specifics of the relationship. Gage emotions about your ex honestly, and if you’re not overcome at the very thought of them, work on meeting new people. Aim for a state of indifference. In other words, it’s okay to get a slight twinge upon seeing your ex; it’s not okay to suddenly want to throw a plate at their head.

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